Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Company Has A Great Website. Do I Need To Have My Own

You definitely need to possess YOUR OWN website! It’s probably a given that your company’s website is gorgeous and full of all manners of “bells and whistles”, although, it will hardly ever sell a prospect on your business opportunity or your product. The company sites are for the most part created to give information, not sell. With your own website you can deduce exactly what a prospect wants and give it to them.

Please click here for more information.

Creating Multiple Passive Income Streams Is Key For Your

This may come as heresy, but “Don’t put all your eggs in your network marketing basket!” It’s critical for you to diversity your income to make sure you have a an uninterrupted and guaranteed income even if or when something may not be working at the present moment. It is very important for your financial security that you understand your network marketing business as just one of your income sources, albeit, once it “kicks into full gear”, it will hopefully be your largest.

Please click here for more information.

The "How To's" Of Creating Real MLM Downline Duplication In

The key for effective network marketing downline duplication is to duplicate a SYSTEM. You must use (or design) a winning system which takes a lead, turns them into a qualified prospect, and presents your business opportunity and product to them. Don’t get snared in the trap of attempting to duplicate yourself or your upline. This is impossible! In a “systems approach” to downline duplication your job is to train your downline to implement the system.

Please click here for more information.

Learn How To Beat Your MLM Competition For Your Prospect's

There’s so much noise on the Internet today from people trying to sell you everything from pharmaceuticals, to get rich quick schemes, to auto insurance, to home study courses, to ______ you fill in the blank. I you’re just another voice pitching your product, business opportunity, or your service, you’re just adding to the noise. The key to beating your competition is to differentiate yourself. You need to stand out from the crowd of others clamoring for your prospects’ attention.

Please click here for more information.

Finding Free, Qualified Leads To Talk To About Your

This is biggest challenge facing every network marketer is finding free, qualified mlm leads. The mlm industry’s first solution often is “Make a list of everyone you know and talk to them about your business.” However, most of these people aren’t interested or serious about having their own business. Discover how to find REAL leads who are seriously looking for a a way to work from home.

Please click here for more information.

The "How To's" Of Marketing Network Marketing On the

This is clearly the age of the Internet. However we as mlm business owners are way behind this trend. I believe we need to get on the band wagon of what I call “INTERnetwork Marketing”. Never before have we had such potent tool to help us accelerate our business. However, few network marketers know how to use it. This video presents some of the many methods for the online marketing of your business.

Please click here for more information.

Your "How To" Guide For Creating Money From Your MLM List

The primary thing you must do to generate income from your list is to establish a relationship with them. Don’t even try to market to them till you’ve done this. Usually people only buy from someone OR go into business with them when they have a sense they know, trust, and like that person. So the key things you should to do with your list are activities that help them get to know, like, and trust you.

Please click here for more information.

How Do I Generate A Regular Cash Flow For A Network

The creativity to find a ongoing cash flow to pay for one’s business is often a “make it or break it” challenge for many network marketing entrepreneurs. If they don’t have a way to create a ongoing cash flow to fund their business from the very beginning they’ll be dipping into their own pockets to fund the {development|growth) of their business.

Please click here for more information.

Your MLM List Building Strategy Is Connected Directly To

Your mlm list building strategy and the number of people on your list is directly connected to your ability to get people to buy your products or service, or join your present business opportunity and any business in which you may become involved in the future. This is really the only thing you actually own. You don’t own your business. You don’t own your products. You don’t even own your downline (unless they are on your list!). What is yours is the list of customers, prospects, leads, and team members you have generated over the years. Once someone has joined your list, you have permission to contact about anything you want to for the rest of their lives.

Please click here for more information.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Multi-Level Marketing Retention" From "Network Marketing

Statistics gathered from the network marketing industry document we have network marketing attrition rate of around 97%. People quit for many reasons (some of which we’ll never know), but the main reasons for quitting are that they’re not seeing growth in their downline, they’re not making the money they had hoped for, they’re not getting support from their upline, and they’re spending more money each month on such things as advertising, auto-ship, and leads than they are making each month. This video is about turning the attrition around to multi-level marketing retention.

Please click here for more information.

The "How's To's" Of Marketing Your MLM Busiess On The

This is most definitely the age of the Internet. Nevertheless we as network marketers are way behind this trend. We need to get into what I call “INTERnetwork Marketing”. Never before have we had such a powerful tool to assist us in building our business. However, few network marketers grasp how to use it. This video discusses many possibilities of online marketing of your business.

Please click here for more information.

Your Marketing Success Is In Your MLM List-Building

Your mlm list building strategy and the size of your list is directly related to your success in getting people to buy your products or service, or join your current business opportunity and any business in which you may become involved in the future. This is really the only thing you actually own. You don’t own your business. You don’t own your products. You don’t even own your downline (unless they are on your list!). What is yours is the list of customers, prospects, leads, and team member you have generated over the years. Once someone has opted-in to your list, you have permission to contact about anything you want to for the rest of their lives as long as you respect the permission they have given to you and don’t misuse it.

Please click here for more information.