Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Are You Part Of The Extraordinary Home Business Revolution That Is Occuring?

Copyright © David Lazear
More than 600 people get started in home-based businesses in the United States alone every single day!

Information technology (IT) has made it possible for e-commerce, and e-commerce makes it possible for more people to start their own businesses. Small, medium-sized, and home-based businesses can now compete more effectively in the global market.

The extremely low start-up costs, flexible hours, and the Internet are likewise fueling the growth of the home business segment. And it's showing no signs of slowing down any time soon!

"Most successful people have their own business. The popular saying that you cannot get rich working for somebody else appears true now more than ever."
- Home Business Magazine
"At-home workers have more free time and disposable money for recreation and vacation time than clock-punchers and Americans at large."
- Entrepreneur Magazine
"It is anticipated that by the year 2010, 50% of households in the US alone will beinvolved in a home-based business."
- Newsweek Magazine

Here are some statistics I've summarized from the NBBTA (National Black Business Trade Association), the SBA (Small Business Association), and the IDG (International Data Group):

• Home-based business is a $427 billion a year industry. That's more than the pharmaceutical industry, food industry, and consumer goods industry combined!

• As many as 150 million people, in North America alone, enjoy the freedom and benefits of owning their own (home- based) internet business.

• Many entrepreneurs start firms from their homes - and stay there.

• In 2007 nearly 20,000 entrepreneurs grossed more than $1 million operating from a home-based environment.

• Increasingly, people use their home to earn a primary income, not only a secondary or supplementary income.

• Home-based businesses represent 52 percent of all small firms and provide 10 percent of the total receipts of the economy, about $314 billion.

• Running and owning a home-based business offers new owners a very inexpensive entry point. Forty to 44 percent of all home-based businesses require less than $5,000 for start-up.

• There are between 34.3 million and 36.6 million home office households in the United States alone.

• There is a 7.4 percent annual growth rate forecast for households with income-generating home offices - almost seven times greater than the 1.1 percent growth rate forecast for all households.

• The growth rate for corporate telecommuter households grows by more than 4.8 percent per year.

• The home-based business sector is growing in importance and diversity, and offers opportunities for entrepreneurs and at-home professionals in every demographic and ethnic group:

The home business industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world today; and, all indications are that it's going to get a lot bigger!

So, is now the time for you to jump on board of this incredible home business trend? It can totally change your financial future!

If you're just getting started, or just thinking about getting started in a home-based business OR if you're already involved in one there are literally hundreds and hundreds of both on-line and off-line resources to help you be wildly successful.


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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Do You Know How To Use The 5 Forms Of Leverage To Explode Your Home Business?

Leverage is one of the most important things needed for a successful home business. True financial wealth is created through leverage. In fact, with leverage, you can earn income from your computer working at home; and you'll find that making this way is actually easier than working for money in a traditional job.

Archimedes, the famous philosopher, inventor, and mathematician from ancient Greece once said:
"Give me lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I shall move the world."

Archimedes' statement has come to be what we mean by leverage. When you have the right lever and fulcrum, the sky is the limit on what you can achieve. You can get more done, in less time with, with less money!

Using Leverage To Build Your Home Business

There are several types of leverage, all of which can help you set up multiple streams of non-linear money and earn income from your computer:

1. Money Leverage involves investing money in such things the stock market, or real estate, or starting a home business. You're leveraging smaller amounts of money to make much more than your initial investment.

2. Information Leverage is when you plug into training programs or attend seminars or read articles and books others have written. You're using their creativity, ideas, opinions, and information to spark your own and possibly produce you own information which will pay you over time.

3. Time Leverage happens when you find ways to get more done in less time. For example, let's say you're in network marketing and you have a downline that needs training. You find an online training program that you can plug them into so you don't have to train each one individually yourself.

4. People Leverage is also best illustrated by network marketing where you sponsor someone into your business and they sponsor others, who go on to sponsor others, who go on to sponsor others. . . . The good news is that you make money off of all of these folks' efforts.

5. Technology Leverage is using all forms of technology to get your message out to masses of people. Obviously the leading edge of technology leverage today is the Internet.

For example, you can produce an eBook, film yourself making a presentation, record a live conference call or teleseminar, and write an article and post it on the Internet. For years to come this will potentially reach hundreds of thousands of people all over the world, without you have to leave your home.

Using the five forms of leverage to build your home business is the fast, easy, and fun track to success!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Is Now The Right Time For You To Get Started In A Home Business?

Copyright © David Lazear
Given the current financial crisis facing the US and the world, finding a way to replace your income and create a financial wall around yourself and your family has never been a higher priority.

The facts are overwhelming! We see it on the evening news nightly from unemployment figures in the US highest since the Great Depression, to the bankruptcy crisis facing hundreds of American companies, to loss of company retirement benefits, to the world-wide stock market roller coaster ride we're all on.

Securing your and your family's financial future today is a must! However, this will never happen working for someone else. Not only are you building your boss's future, rather than your own, but you are vulnerable to the ups and downs of the company's financial situation.

Working from home can dramatically change all of this! There are a plethora of home business opportunities available to choose from today. Most people considering getting started in a home business find themselves in a frantic search for the best business opportunity and company.

Many of these opportunities and companies not only provide you with a significant immediate cash flow, but they also offer a chance to build a serious stream of residual income.

Jeff Foxworthy has made a fortune with his famous "You might be a redneck if. . . " I'm going to give you my version of this.

"You might be ready get started in a home business IF . . ."
(Put a check in the box by all that apply.)

You're tired of putting in 40 hours plus of hard work each week just to make your boss rich.

You want to be able to provide a college education for your kids, but fear it will never happen on your current income.

You work 40-50 hours a week and often on weekends, but you're basically getting the same salary you were 5 years ago.

Your company is cutting back on its benefits for employees. It's likely you won't have what you need for your retirement.

You drop your kids off at day care early in the morning, on your way to work, and don't see them till you pick them up at night. You're tired of other people raising them.

You want to be in charge of your time and not have to spend your days doing what others tell you to do.

You're sick and tired of living pay check to pay check. Your pay check is spent weeks before you ever get it

You'd like to be living in a house that is totally yours. You want to pay off your mortgage and your house.

There's just too much month left at the end of the money. Your income can't keep up with rising prices.

Your company is being downsized. They're laying off people who have been with the company a long time

How many of the above items are true for you? If you even checked off one, you should seriously considering getting started in a home business TODAY.

Starting A Home-Based Business – "What Will It Cost?"

Copyright © David Lazear

Getting started in any business involves an investment. In a home-based business there are generally three areas of financial commitment you need to be prepared to make: 1) enrollment fees for joining your chosen company, 2) your initial start-up costs, and 3) monthly operating expenses.

Let’s start by putting the financial commitment in perspective. Take a look at the chart below comparing the financial commitment involved in starting a typical franchise business (in this case a McDonald’s® franchise) and a typical work-from-home business.

Home-Based Business Finanical Comparison(Source for McDonald’s® information is

That’s pretty interesting, don’t you think?!?

Let me make a few additional comments on the three areas of financial commitment I mentioned earlier:

1. Enrollment. Most companies will have some kind of enrollment cost in order to join the company. This can vary depending on the level at which you want to join.

One of the companies I’m with has a $99 level where someone can get started. This is affordable for almost everyone. When I recruit people to join my team at this level, my first goal is to help them put together a plan for moving up the company’s compensation plan.

They could start at a very affordable place and, if they executed the plan we put together, they could, over time, move to much higher levels of compensation!

2. Initial Start-up Costs. Any business incurs these expenses. In the case of a home-based business these expenses involve getting yourself set up with key tools needed to run a business from home

These can include such things as: a merchant account (so you can process credit cards), promotional flyers, business cards, additional office equipment, computer software, and various internet services.

3. Monthly operating costs. The single most important monthly expense is your advertising budget. If you’re not advertising your business you won’t have a business! You need to decide on a monthly figure you can commit to EVERY SINGLE MONTH without fail.

This does not need to be a huge figure. I have people on my team who spend $50/month on their advertising, but they do it every month without fail. That $50 dollars is allowing them to build a powerful business.

Of course there will be other monthly operating expenses such as internet access fees, telephone, printing, postage, fax, and so on. These will obviously varying depending on the nature of your business.

All in all I think you would agree that this upfront financial commitment is pretty small. Many home business owners recoup their initial investment within the first couple of months of operating their business.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Network Marketing vs. "The Pyramid Scheme" – Debunking The Misconceptions

Copyright © David Lazear

Today I am going to talk about something that seems to be one of those things that people either love or hate. What I am talking about is network marketing, also called mlm or multi-level marketing. Right from the beginning I will say that there is no need to have extreme views about this, it is simply a business model that you can use if you wish.

However, it is crucial that you understand HOW the business model of network marketing works.

I think there are basically two reasons that some people seem to "go off the deep end" by simply hearing someone mention the word network marketing. Number one, they belong to the group of people who can't get the idea out of their heads that network marketing = pyramid scheme.

Or, number two, they have tried it themselves, and because they didn't have a clue on how to do it they failed miserably, so their conclusion is that network marketing just doesn't work

The first misconception is easy to debunk. Pyramid schemes are illegal almost everywhere, do you really think large multinational companies could operate year after year on an entirely illegal basis?

Secondly, this view on network marketing shows that the speaker is ignorant. He or she hasn't done an ounce of homework on the various businesses that are available to each of us today, and they are ignorant of the industry itself.

BREAKING NEWS! Corporate America a Pyramid Scheme?

As for the comparison to a pyramid in general - think of any company that comes to mind. The company will probably have a CEO, president, vice presidents, middle management, a sales force, and hourly employees.

It goes without saying that the guy at the top, the CEO, is going to make the most money, and the compensations continue to decrease down the ladder which starts at his cushy leather chair. The only way to get paid more and move up the ladder is to boot someone else out of their spot - and this is what people call okay and normal!

Not to mention the fact that the corporate slave masters seem to have no problem with working people to the limits...and then kicking them out the door before any of the benefits kick in. (As always there are some exceptions, of course). How is this any less pyramid than network marketing? All people in the company work hard, but ONLY those at the very top has "permission" to make a lot of money.

Now, in network marketing the basic idea is that it will be of great benefit to everyone involved to help people who are new reach the top. In fact the whole business idea hinges on this idea - the only way to become really successful in the long term is to help others.

Of course there will always be a mathematical limit to how large a network can become, but with today's global marketplace, and a suitable compensation plan, there is usually plenty of room for everybody.

A network marketing company can diversify and find new markets, just like all companies have to.

What about the second objection that network marketing doesn't work?

This is mainly caused by the simple fact that not that many people know how to do network marketing correctly. And I must admit that some network marketing companies are responsible for this themselves, by providing useless ideas like making a "100 list" etc.

You see, this is a somewhat unique industry. Most people don't realize that network marketing is a business of marketing and promotion pursued by people who have NO IDEA how to market and promote.

If you are going to be involved in network marketing you need to develop both the right mind set and acquire the right knowledge (no, they usually don't teach this in college).

You must learn that when you do this business right:
• You don't have to "sell"

• You don't have to ask people to join your business.. They ask you!

• You don't have to post "work at home" flyers!

• People will PAY YOU to prospect them
Some simply refuse to take a serious look at the network marketing business model. This means they aren't serious. It means they "would like" to make more money, but have no intention of making it happen.

They continually "look" for home businesses, which is enough to satisfy their minds that they "did everything they could", but everything they find out there is flawed and are "scams". They are looking to buy "hope", not a business.

There is a Chinese saying that goes something like this:"If you spend too much time thinking about your next step, you will be standing on one leg for the rest of your life". Yes, there ARE scams out there, but network marketing or mlm is not a dirty word and it is not a synonym for scam.

Friday, December 11, 2009

10 Ways To Make More Money In Network Marketing

Copyright © David Lazear

Network Marketing is an excellent way for the "average Joe or Jane" to make an extra income. This business concept has been around for decades, and it will not disappear any time soon. The reason for its popularity is simple... It Works!

It does however, require lots of work and most importantly, dedication and persistence to get the job done. The best part is, once you are able to set up a solid network, your business becomes MUCH less time intensive. Almost like going on "autopilot". The key is to get there as fast as possible.

Here are just a couple of tips I have found to be helpful in maximizing your Network Marketing Business:

1. Use your products regularly. This is Number 1 for a reason. It's the most ignored part of ANY network marketing business. How do you expect your business to succeed if you will not even use your own products?

It does seem silly to even have to bring this up, but there are many who are not using their own products, and wonder why they are not making any money. Make a commitment to use your products for a year, and see where your business goes.

2. Educate yourself constantly. This is very important! You must rid yourself of negative ideas, sometimes referred to as "stinkin thinkin". This can be done in a variety of ways.

I recommend reading at least 15 minutes a day, but try to shoot for 30. Business and self-help books are a great way to start. Don't forget your Multi-level magazines, as they are full of tips and advice. Lastly, listen to cassette tapes on multi-level tips from top earners in your business.

3. Spend as much time as possible with your upline. Your upline should have only one goal in mind, To Help You Succeed! They are a vast source of knowledge and information.

Mingle with top distributors in your group, or other groups, and ask how they made it. Most everyone should be more than happy to provide you with excellent tips and advice.

4. Present your products and marketing plan personally to at least one person daily. Remember above when I said you are going to have to work, well here it is. Now here is the key, the prospects to whom you present your plan, do not have to be yours personally.

Show the plan for your downline, and not only will you create "security" by placing members in your downlines' downline, it will also give you a boost in your personal income! I can guarantee if you were to follow this rule for 6 months, you would create a downline with enough width and depth to create an income to sustain you and your family for life.

5. Care for your downline. An entire book can be written on this topic. Usually, it's the little things that show you really care. Try to maintain regular contact, and always praise your distributor's accomplishments.

You can even offer incentives for specific achievements, such as money, travel, recognition, or other rewards, to help motivate your group.

6. Duplicate yourself by making distributors independent of you. This will help to multiply your time, thus making you and your group more effective. Always lead by example. Never stop recruiting, training and retailing.

Remember the KISS formula - "Keep It Simple, Sweety" I know, I know, I changed the last word, but it maintains the meaning. This can be done my conducting simple, brief, yet dramatic presentations, and teaching your downline to do the same.

7. Create a large customer base. This is another largely ignored, yet very important, piece of your network marketing business. Many try so hard to build a huge downline, that they forget how much profit they could also make by selling their products to retail customers.

Some people will just not want to become part of your downline, no matter how great a product/system you may have. This does not mean they will not be personally interested in your product. Try to make everyone your customer. Once you earn their trust, they will come to you more, and perhaps even join your downline later. Always "leave the door open", as people's needs do change.

8. Focus on your customers' needs. You must give customers more than they expect, and always satisfy your customers complaints immediately. Try to listen 80% of the time, and talk only 20%.

As stated above, your customers can be a huge source of future referrals and/or business. You must earn and maintain their trust. Once you have their trust, you can always ask for referrals, which leads to even more business and a larger downline.

9. Set daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals - and Write Them Down! You may have heard the expression, "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." Breaking up a larger goal into smaller easily attainable goals, is the key to success. You cannot just jump to the end, you have to make progress everyday.

Writing them down is another largely ignored, important tip to help you succeed. A goal is just a "passing thought", or "wish" until you put it in writing. That is when it becomes concrete and real. It is also a great idea to keep a business journal of your daily activities, as it will help you to become more productive and time-conscious.

10. Get Out There And Do It Now! All of the knowledge in the world is useless and unprofitable, until you put the most important ingredient of them all in place.

This "secret" ingredient should come as no surprise at all, but this is the #1 reason for failure at anything in life. It is ACTION! Remember, knowledge is useless without action.

Following these steps will almost give you immediate results.